And suddenly Edinburgh

Up at six and out at seven to bus - train - bus to Bologna airport to fly Ryanair to Edinburgh. Tomorrow T and I fly back.

Lovely to be here if only for the briefest first to The Botanics to see the Woolly Willow (extra) get s very thorough eye test after three years and order some horrendously expensive glasses.

By the time I was breathing again the Stockbridge charity shops were closed so on to Waitrose for Italian essentials and tea for Terry and me.

The Botanics never ceases to amaze although the sorbus domesticus is nothing compared to the one on our Casentino boundary.

And, I mean, fate and all. Turned out I was sitting next to a semi-pro windsurfing law prof from Florence uni - unifi.

The light here lingers on and on when the Casentino is slowly cooling from a stultifying 33C and the close darkness is lit only by a growing moon and fireflies.

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