Learning day by day

By EmmaF


a den we found in a very, very muddy Hitch Wood. W initailly didn't want to walk in the mud, then once he got going we couldn't stop him. Having suggested to him that to get back to the car he would have to swim through the flood on the road, he told us that he hadn't got his googles but that he would close his eyes. He then preceeded to run through the woods with his eyes closed! Strange little boy. Luckily he didn't fall over anything.

Carys managed to walk out of her wellies about 2/3rds into the walk and had to finish the walk with no socks and one very soggy welly. A right of passage? Who knows. What I do know is an era is over and she has grown out of her puddlesuit. :-( She is currently wearing the biggest side they do and will from now on be wearing top and trousers. She is growing up...

N&P returned from Ascot to spend the rest of the day with us. Build a beetle was played a number of times and C played with her Hairdressers head and read a whole chapter of her newest Magical Ballerina book to herself! Although she did ask me to read the chapter again at bedtime "Incase I got any of the words wrong."

Another very nice day and that is Christmas 2012 over with. Now we have a days recovery before heading to 'The Bay' to go to the now annual family outing to the Tyne Theatre Panto and Toby's Baptism on Saturday.

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