In Plain Sight
Honeyblood @ the sugarmill
They/she was great!
The crowd was one of the strangest I've seen at a gig and really not as busy as I'd have expected for a Friday night, especially compared to the last time I saw Honeyblood.
There were the 'normal' people like me and Matt*, old enough to know our place somewhere in the middle and close enough to the bar.
There were the excitable youngsters, overexcited 14 year olds bouncing around from time to time and having a laugh...but then they'd disappear for a couple of songs before suddenly appearing in front of us on their phones again.
There were a pair of siamese twins who just didn't seem capable of letting each other go for the entire gig, even when moving around.
There were couples sitting at the side of the room looking like they'd just come out for a quiet drink.
Then there were the group of 8 old(ish) men, not looking as though they knew each other, gathered in a line at the front of the stage like groupies staring up at Stina in particular. Not really moving except when one or other would pull out a camera.
It seemed so incongruous in a crowd that small that I felt decidedly icky moving towards them to get this pic on my phone.
The oddness of the evening was capped by the admission that there was no merchandise as they'd left it in Hull...
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