
By FarmerGirl

It's a dogs life

I had a blip meet at the Rock Snot Café this afternoon with TeeJay, Kiwilizzie, Andrea69 and their mum. The Rock Snot is a wonderful little café, down by the Buller River. There were many people down there - swimmers, kayakers, boaties, campers and people, like us, just enjoying a good natter at the café. This photo is one of the jetboaters, patiently waiting for one of his boating pals to launch his boat. I love the 3 dogs in this boat - luckily none of them fell into the water when the boat took off!

It was a nice relaxing afternoon - thank you TeeJay, Kiwilizzie & Andrea69 for your wonderful Company!

On the way home I got stopped for a drink driving check-point. I pulled up along side the Officer. There was a man there with a TV camera, filming me being breathalised. The Officer looked at me, and said that he knew me - turns out I went to school with him in Nelson. I didn't recognise him, but when he said his name, I instantly knew who he was. It turns out that the camera man was filming for the TV programme 'Highway Patrol' - I doubt I will be famous though, as I passed the test - I think they were only interested in people who failed, and therefore had a story of interest to film. Must remember to watch the programme in the months to come to see if I see anyone I know!

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