
By momcat1

First ( live) butterfly of the year!

Yes , I know this is late , but this is the second year in a row of what feels like constant rain. I keep saying we are allowed one sunny day a week. This week our allowed day is Saturday. This silver spotted skipper is normally a commonly seen butterfly around here, at least around the buddleia. Which are another problem are in the garden. Both look pretty sick and are still only about a foot high. My weeping cherry looks like it might be dying, which is really upsetting because that was the last thing my mother gave me before she passed. The butterfly weed which looked great now looks like the cucumber beetles gave it bacterial wilt and I think my peony (see extra) has mosaic virus. That is in addition  to the rust I try to fight off unsuccessfully every year. Even in plants that are supposedly rust resistant. Arrgh!
Anyway , at least the Amsonia is still hanging around for the bees and butterflies to keep them happy.

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