Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Like a little cone of mint ice cream...

...The hoverfly hovered, it came up to my face (as they do) as if weighing me up.
'Hello', I said.
'Hi. Busy busy, must get on', it replied.
('By the way...What fuzzy grey hair you've got').

Which made it, in a way, exactly like one of the speakers yesterday at the Health and Healing Fair.
I had gone along to one of the lectures, and was singled out, from the stage, by exactly the same comment.
(To which Harumph, actually, particularly as I was wearing a rather magnificent emerald green shiny raincoat, which I had hoped would be my 'stand out feature', rather than fuzzy hair!).

Never mind.
We are who we are :-)

There's a little greenfly on the right too.
(It's also fuzzy).

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