Coffee Bug

It was a beautiful warm sunny day in Denver. I was particularly happy to be here while there were heavy rain downpours at home! It’s good to get a break away from bad weather!  

I made my way to Union Station for a late breakfast. The historic station building has been refurbished and the area has been totally developed in the years since I lived in Denver and I love it!  The restaurant I chose (Snooze) is popular and ALWAYS busy and there was a long wait but I occupied my time having a look around the station. (See Extras).

After breakfast I found this interesting ‘Coffee Bar’!  The proprietor sits in the back seat and the front passenger seat has been removed for his coffee and tea making equipment.  I spoke to him for awhile and promised I’d buy a coffee from him next time as I’d already had my limit for today. I love his innovation and entrepreneurial vision. This supports him while he’s pursuing his real passion as an artist. He comes under the ‘food truck’ licensing laws but says its much less stringent for him as he’s providing drinks only, no food. If you’re in Denver you can visit Matthew’s ‘On The Road Coffee’ on Tuesdays to Sundays, usually across the street from Union Station.

Check out this video about him on YouTube.

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