
Here you see the cake that didn't beat me.

I actually left the house today. Only to take Sarah back to my Mum's to collect her car. I did the whole marzipan thing on Christmas Eve and then planned to ice the cake yesterday but as we went home on Christmas Day, my Dad iced his own Christmas cake. Well Happy Birthday all the same... I hope it tastes okay! The little Christmas tree lamp is one that my Mum made in stained glass. The one on my fireplace in yesterday's blip is another of her masterpieces. We all have one of those. It's pretty.

I made an attempt at tidying up round the flat, collected the box for my Christmas tree to take it down and ferry it back to my folks' house to stash in the attic with all the rest of the shite I've hoarded over the years where it turns out my old dolls house and tree house are still living. Next week I'm going to pull them out and do some retro blipping. I wish I knew whether I remember them or whether I just know them from stories or photos. Maybe I'll be able to tell when I look at them which is my motivation.

I feel that it's worth a mention that whilst we were watching Happy Feet yesterday, Sarah asked me to pause it (don't you just love live TV!) while she went to the loo... or so I thought, the next thing she's waddling into the sitting room in a penguin onsie. I don't think I've laughed so much since the Angel Delight episode! You probably had to be there but when I come back to remind myself what I've been doing, I'd like to laugh some more.

The evening was spent hanging around the flat watching a movie. The most I managed was breakfast. I think we ate so much crap yesterday that I just wasn't hungry. The gym beckons! I'm not getting my money's worth out of my membership. Use it or lose it! Stars January 3rd!

111 sleeps!

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