
In our house, this is an unmitigated disaster!  I think it's the first time we have ever run out of milk since having the boys.  Bread is on for breakfast and it's 'plastic' milk for porridge.  

I had to help a postman in need this morning as his van had broken down.  He'd managed to get himself down a narrow lane, and block another driver in.  The other drive and I tried pushing the van to a more convenient spot, but had translation problems with the driver who first didn't remove the hand break, then kept it in gear, and then said the stearing had locked - which is probably had, because he didn't unlock it.  We kind of gave up as the postman was panicking a little bit and was very worried about his special deliveries that were in danger of being late.  

Boys are on form, although are clearly in need of a break as they are both a bit tearful / boistrious.  

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