Bike ride

bit of a nothing day today. I woke up with the blues and didnt really shift them all day. The husband had to work pretty much all day, so it was me and the boys, we're a pretty good team.

We made ice-cream this morning, then I took the boys on their bikes to the 'green shop' (waitrose) this afternoon. We had to get some peanut butter to made satay, and you know you are in waitrose when the cheapest peanut butter is duchy organic... (it made a pretty good satay sauce!)

I was super pleased that I got the eldest out on his bike, and and that he enjoyed it. He's been very iffy about his bike recently. What was even better was the suggestion - by him - to remove his stabilisers when  we got home. We did try it, the conclusion from him was that he wanted them back, but he tried it, which is really good for him. 

Today I'm grateful for 
Eldest on his bike, I was delighted
Yummy ice cream
A hug from the husband when I needed it

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