Play Date!

Another full on play in the field with Ivy! Halfway through Oscar needed time out again as he was getting overexcited and rather rough in his play! Kept bowling Ivy over and going for her neck a little too much! I think Ivy would rebuff him if it got too much for her but i didn't want it to get that far and possibly put her off playing with him in the future! We had a nice wander round the field and then Ivy came and found us and Oscar went racing back to her owner with her! But he returned on my whistle! This is such good training for him! 
The Welder told me an intriguing event earlier in the week. He was playing golf and Ivy was with him tied to the buggy. Sudeenly she strted barking manically and was trying to move towards the hedge, so much so she nearly overturned the buggy! The Welder looked over to where she was barking and saw something large and black moving! Too big for a dog or cat - just add it to the list of big cats reported sightings in this area - The beast of Bodmin Moor has moved south!
I headed for waitrose after our play. Got to the check out to discover my card was not in my purse! I had some cash so reorganised my provisions and told the woman to stop when my limit was reached! Quite fun organising everything in order of priority - toilet rolls and cat food were first!I got everything excpet a baking tray, 2 cake tins on special offer and a box of mints!! 

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