
By seddon

Hat head

Mummy wanted a lie in this morning, so naturally I woke up at 6.30, followed by Thomas at 6.55. I did sleep for nearly 8 hours last night though so she can't really complain!
Daddy brought mummy and Thomas breakfast in bed and then took me downstairs. I had a play on my mat and did a lot of chattering!
Daddy and Thomas did some gardening, repotting the pea, pepper and tomato plants they have been growing.
The postman came and delivered mine and Thomas's United membership packs - they've sent me the wrong one, one meant for bigger children, but it had this lovely hat in it!!!
It's been a lovely sunny day today so we went to the park for an hour after lunch.
When we came home auntie Rachel and uncle Paul called round to collect daddy's discount card, and I had some cuddles with them both.
This evening we had a film night and watched despicable me 3. Me and daddy slept through half of it!!

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