
By TexMama

Picture This

Cold and windy outside today and no lovely sunsets to blip. The snow is all melty and slushy, and there's mud and puddles everywhere...of course that didn't stop the kids from enjoying the last of it. Too cold out there for me though - I hid indoors by the fire all day and did some cleaning while they were busy outside.
My blip today, you might recognize, is a pic. from my blip-friend bhanu
I asked him for a couple of my fave pics a while back but after having them printed I couldn't find frames to fit ...boo hoo. Being too cheap to spring for the custom made variety, I mounted them on foam board instead. This one is up on my newly painted and twinkly-light lit shelf that runs around the sun room...its right in the center of the wall so its the first thing you see as you come into the room, and Im loving it...will blip the other another day.

yes it is set up on some alphabet blocks, it just looked better that way - and you don't see them unless you stand on something to blip it :0)

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