Journey’s end

We’re up infeasibly early. Goodbyes are scattered liberally and by 10 we’re on the road - although Angus is looking pretty rough.

Claire drops me at Severn Tunnel Junction to catch the Newport train. She’s got a long drive back to Kinghorn via Worcester. I’ve got 12 hours of train journey ahead of me: Severn - Newport - Paddington - St Pancras - Gare de Nord - Gare de Lyon - Besançon Viotte.

Aslak meets me at St Pancras. I should be sleeping, but instead we’re talking and, occasionally, drinking. I eat in the TGV, but the food is railway quality, not up to usual French standard.

A taxi transports is to a blue collar hotel on the edge of town. The room is reminiscent of student accommodation. The weather is hot and stuffy, so I close the blind, open the window - letting the sound of the traffic lull me into a sweaty, overdue sleep.

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