14 on the Fence Line...OR...Buzzards on the Barbed

I hadn't seen "my" buzzards in the area I usually see them in all Spring. But, today they were out at a local farm. The problem? Actually, there were two.

1. On a very busy road, there was no good place to pull off. I had to endure the car horns of several vehicles. "C'MON PEOPLE! HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU GET TO SEE BEAUTIFUL BUZZARDS?"

2. I had to decide how to crop the picture (22 birds were in this shot alone.) I bet there were 50 buzzards in the area, but they were all far enough away that I couldn't get many in focus. I would have liked to trespass on the farmer's land, but I was worried that they would fly off if I approached.

A big doe is in the extras. She too was a long ways off, and is heavily cropped.

I went this afternoon with my daughter and Merrick to see Toy Story 4. It was cute, but not as cute as the original. (Are sequels ever as good?)

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