a lifetime burning

By Sheol



Saturday saw us travel from Altnacealgach to Bettyhill on the very northern coast of Scotland.  The day started still, which was not such a good thing.  as from our motel window we could see clouds of midges waiting for us outside.  Covering ourselves in anti midge stuff we loaded up the bikes as quickly as we could.  With just our faces showing, we were not in much danger of getting bitten but the little blighters made a real nuisance of themselves and I think it was only after we had been riding for 5 minutes or so that we managed to get rid of the last ones from the inside of the helmets :-)

The roads up and around the coast continued to delight us.  Every now and again there would be yet another stunning view and we would try to find a safe place to park up the bikes,  unpack the cameras and snap away.  I suspect that as a result we will both have very similar images from our trip ...

At lunchtime we came across a burger van at Keoldale and (feeling slightly guilty) indulged ourselves in some fast food from what must be Scotland's most north westerly burger van.  This was the stunning view from the picnic table at the edge of the car park. The water really was that colour.  

We eventually worked our way around the coast to finish up the day at Bettyhill.  Tomorrow would see us stop in at John 0'Groats on our way to Inverness and the end of our NC500 adventure.

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