
By SianLambert

The Ration Challenge: day 7

I've done it!  7 days of eating the same rations which are provided to Syrian refugees in refugee camp.  Today was rice and dhal - which I like anyway.  I had some roasted red pepper left over so stirred that in, along with earned yogurt … very satisfactory.  Was it easy?  Well, no, it was pretty monotonous, and dry - and needed some imagination to make it interesting.  Was it hell?  Well, no, it was nutritious and filling and kept me going without too much hardship.  Would I want to do it week after week? NO - and my heart goes out to those who have to.  But, also, my admiration to those who put together the packs - keeping the nutrition high, and the cost low enough to provide food to as many as possible - fantastic work.  A big thank you to all my sponsors - I have raised £510+ towards the cause … thank you all.

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