
By seddon

Sunny day

The weather was (finally!) gorgeous when we got up this morning!
Me and mummy took Thomas to school and then came home to play in the garden.
Mummy also spoke to the minister this morning to book my christening.
Sarah, Eloise and Robyn came round this afternoon. Me and Robyn played on my blanket in the shade, whilst Eloise played with Thomas's boats and bubbles, and mummy and Sarah had a brew in the sunshine.
Me and Mummy had to go to school a bit earlier than normal today because it was 'All about me' day so we were invited into Thomas's class to see what they had been doing.
Mrs spreckley and Mr Clayton had put a quiz up on the board where they had taken pictures of each childs eyes and noses, cut them out and stuck them onto a piece of paper and had the children draw the rest of their face. Our task.. to put a name to the face! Mummy spotted Thomas straight away, and with a lot of helping each other (aka cheating) the parents managed to match names to faces of all 15 children! I was a good girl and smiled away and chattered to some of Thomas's friends.
This evening was football training for Thomas, me and Mummy stayed at home and did some more tummy time on my mat. I'm getting better at rolling over! I also managed to sit for a few seconds unassisted.
Daddy went out to the pub tonight, so Mummy got me and Thomas ready for bed.

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