Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Edinburgh to St.Andrews Bike Ride

I would normally be doing the annual Lepra Edinburgh to St. Andrews ride. It has been cancelled, so as I have accommodation booked I do it anyway. The weather is always hit and miss this time of year, but the weather gods smile on me, and I have a nice day for it.

I faithfully follow the whole route, I have done it so many times I could almost do it blindfold. I cycle down to Inverleith Park, then follow the route out of Edinburgh along Queensferry Road, taking the ramp up to Carlowrie Rd to Standingstane Rd to Dalmeny. There's a bit of a squiggle through South Queensferry and the Forth Road Bridge.

The route doesn't take a direct route to St. Andrews though. On the Fife side, it heads west of Dunfermline, a bit along a busy A road before heading north to Crossford. There's a bit of a climb up Lundin Road to Milesmark, then north again to Dam Wood where I turn east, past the Landfill site for Fife, which isn't as bad as it sounds, as all the views are to the south. Its north for a wee while to the B915.

Here I join National Cycle Route 1, passing the Bus Museum, up Gaskie Hill. There's a short bit along the B914, then it's up Cleish Hill. A bit more difficult than usual. the official ride has a luggage van, but I have to cycle up the hill with my panniers. No ice cream van on the way up. I do stop to take some photos just where the road starts to descend, then carry on. There seems to be a group coming up the hill, in the opposite direction to me. It seems to be an event, but I am not sure. So on the descent I stop to get Extra 1.

I carry along NCN 1 downhill, along some quiet back roads to Kinross. This is normally the lunchtime stop. I cycle on through the wee town, following the route around the top of Loch Leven to Loch Leven's Larder. I stop here for lunch. It is busy, however I do get a seat and a decent lunch.

After lunch, I carry on to Wester Balgedie, turn left on to Dryside Rd. I stop here to get my main blip. A short climb, followed by three dips, then a long descent to Strathmiglo. On the main road, I turn right on the A912 to Falkland, from where I take a B road to Freuchie. No cakes here this year.

As you leave Freuchie, you have to climb up Kettle Hill. The steepest part of this climb is at the bends at the to, 15%. Glad to get over it. I skirt around Cults Hill. This goes through the wee village of Burnturk and the Coaltown of Burnturk, which no longer exists. Extra 2 shows a views across the Howe of Fife from here.

The route continues to Chance Inn, where there is a short sharp hill. It is immediately preceded by a right hand bend. If you're in the wrong gear, and the hill does seem to appear out of nothing to the unaware, then you're walking up. It's quite difficult with two panniers, the steepest part is 12%.

Now on the home straight, cycling through Craigrothie, Ceres and Pitscottie. This is easy, and quite fast cycling, until climbing out of Pitscottie, then carrying on downhill in to St. Andrews. I cycle down to the bandstand, the official end of the ride (Extra 3), then to the university, which offers accommodation in the summer months.

The whole bike ride can be seen at Relive here.

Time for a coffee, head back to accommodation for a bit, before dinner at an Indian restaurant (table for one), then back to the room for Montalbano.

I sleep well.

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