The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Let The Wild Rumpus Start

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I had the day off to do pre-holiday essential chores. Nothing is packed but my toenails are done and the house is now sparkly clean, (including the oven in case of judgy burglars).

I went out to catch up with Smashley tonight for a few beers. There was a picture from the book “Where the Wild Things Are” on the wall next to out table and I had a complete flashback to reading this to the mini Mini Princesses and came over all nostalgic!


PS I forgot to mention the other day that when The Eldest Mini Princess and I were tidying up the garden, I said that I would pull up the weeds if she was the hoe-er.

Turns out that’s not a word you should say quickly!

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