The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Dig Your Own Hole

Dear Givers Of Treats,

I am the bestest boy. Bella is on holiday and a man came and took away the fence so I could play in her garden in peace. I like the man. He leaves lots of bits of wood for me to chew. He wouldn’t share his sandwich with me even though I sat in front of him very nicely and said “please” lots of times then but he made some holes for me to play in. I had a great time helping him dig one of them.

I came running in to tell the Princess about the great new holes but she wasn’t very excited. Something about having to shampoo carpets and mop floors.

She did that all day yesterday. She must REALLY like it. It’s a bit strange but whatever keeps her happy. Maybe I will bring more mud in tomorrow so she can do it again.


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