We made it!

Got here.  Epic fail on a picture yesterday (and remebering to put my out of office on).  It took four and a half hours to do a two and a half hour - three hour journey to Portsmouth, partly due to the SIX stops we had to make for the boys.  We got to Portsmouth 15 minutes before check-in for the ferry closed.  Super excited boys once we got on the ferry who of course went to sleep far too late.  

We're already well into holiday mode.  Delicious lunch of french bread, cheese and charcuterie, then Toulouse sausanges for dinner. We had to stay once we arrived as it has been just so hot, which of course didn't go down too well with the boys.  They got in the hot tub whilst I cooked dinner (and cursed a new to me oven and hob).  

Wonderfully relaxing evening.  The husband has been busy researching places to go locally, so we're getting a nice list together of things to do. 

So glad to be here, lots of relaxing to do for all of us. 

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