
By Houseonahill6

Elderflower cordial

It was a very warm, sunny start to the day , quite a muggy heat though but we made the most of it and popped up the field to gather some Elderflowers, the trees are next to our garden but just out of reach. We made sure the horses were at the top of the field and we could see them watching us. After gathering enough heads we left them on a white surface so that the little creatures could escape.Quite a few little storm flies made it to freedom.
A quick wash and then I used a fork to remove the flowers, lemon skins peeled into long strips with a potato peeler , added some orange zest too, juice from both added to the flowers and left to mix.
Water heated with sugar and honey left to cool abit , citric acid was the last ingredient and it’s now in my Jamie Oliver bowl , left to steep for around 48 hours if I can wait that long.It smells amazing, wondering if you can get an Elderflower candle as it smells soo good :)
The hot weather changed into heavy downpours with lots of thunder which is unusual for up here ! Cooling down now.

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