
By Houseonahill6

Enjoying a break in the weather

I was up early as always and Mike managed to get up too as we knew that there seemed to be a dry spell early on. We went down to the allotment to cut the grass. Saw a baby crow with white feathers on the way and a cloud shaped like a heart :)
Mike cut the grass while I trimmed the edges. It was lovely and peaceful , we were the only ones there. Everything is doing well, the potatoes are starting to get some flowers and the Brussels sprouts have shot up.Picked another punnet of strawberries.
Back home and the heavens opened. We went to the a Garden Centre after lunch and missed another couple of downpours. Bought some more pots for veg and flowers and some more mealworms and peanuts for the birds.Went to Morrison’s as the garden centre did not have many plants. Bought some fruit bushes and a few clematis at £2.
Sat in the garden for a while and liked this young Great tit having a stretch and enjoying the sun.

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