
My only pic today and not quite as sharp as it looked on the camera.
Did parkrun this morning and chatted in the cafe afterwards and then spent the rest of the day doing final holiday preparations, which included showing son what might need watering and which fruit he could pick.
It was very warm and muggy and I said it felt like thunder was on its way and, sure enough we've had it on & off since late afternoon.
The rain wasn't too bad most of the time we were packing the car and the overhead clap was just after we'd finished.
It's and early start tomorrow as Mr Rat has to be in Braemar by 9.30 so he can run (and walk) the Lairig Ghru to Aviemore. I should get there before him though will have to drive twice as far as he runs over windy, hilly roads.
Will catch up with you all when I get back (though might have a chance to see some blips next week).

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