13 Years of Sophie Marie in School

I don't know if other parts of the U.S.A. (and the world) have high school open houses, but Michigan sure does. We celebrate the graduate getting through 13 years of school.

Today was the open house of our niece Sophie Marie, daughter of wife Lisa's sister Dayna. Aunt Lisa baked and baked, and Lisa's other sister Lori made cookies and a fruit salad. We all stayed for the entire 4 hours, and helped set up and tear down. All for our wonderful niece Sophie.

She is continuing her education at Michigan State University, affectionately named around here...Moo U., for its history as an agricultural college.

I told Sophie I was going to photo-shop her on top of one of her horse trophies, so I did.

I've said this several times in the past, but we're awfully proud of her. She is a wonderful young lady.

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