Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Friday — Little RJ

We went to see and hold little RJ this evening because early tomorrow morning we’ll be headed to 7-weeks of summer recess on California’s Central Coast. Graduation was 3 weeks ago. We have been to the coast for 1 week while we were waiting for granddaughter Ashly to have her baby. I had a dental appointment in Cayucos on Wednesday, June 19th, so we knew we had to be there. We quietly slipped away and didn’t tell Ash we were gone that week. We’ve been back in SoCal for a week now.

Ash’s due date was Friday, June 14th. A week later on Friday evening, June 21st, they started the “inducing” labor procedure. When the birth had not happened by Monday morning, Ash gave permission for a “C” section. We were all relieved when the baby was safely here and Ash and RJ were both okay.

They were supposed to be released from the hospital on Wednesday, but Ash had a fever. So that postponed the release by one day. So yesterday, Thursday, they finally got home.

So this evening we went to their home to hold little RJ and get some snuggles and say our summer goodbyes. We’ll be back approximately August 20, so I can begin my final semester of teaching.

Holding RJ goes beyond description. What a privilege to hold my 4-day-old great grandson. Sigh!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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