Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2019 Saturday — Coastal Fog

We left our SoCal home this morning, just before 6:00, to head for our place in Cayucos on California's Central Coast. We were about 90 minutes into our 4 hour journey when I captured this photo as we saw the coastal fog while we dropped down out of the San Fernando Valley into Camarillo, then Oxnard, and then Ventura.

It’s always a thrill to see the ocean. Our trip today was good. The traffic was heavier than most Saturday mornings, we think, because the calendar is now headed into the July 4th holiday weekend, which will be a 4-day weekend for many people and we think many people are taking week-long vacations.

We are in Cayucos now, and so glad to be.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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