Dippy the Diplodocus

We left S and M’s early as we had a date this morning with Dippy the Diplodocus, on tour at the Hancock. It was a family occasion, but there was no chance of getting them all together. This is Thomas and Nathaniel. James was more interested in other exhibits in the museum and grandgran was answering his questions. Ella was being consoled by her mum as she’d been reading the info on the climate crisis and was crying because -
A). She eats meat (was told only twice a week)
B). She sometimes goes in the car (was told she off-sets that by walking to and from school and using the metro)

C). She got a new dress (we told her most of her clothes are hand-me-downs from her second cousins)

So now she thinks she’ll be extinct like the dinosaurs.

Mr C and I left early as my arm was so painful. It seems to get so much worse if I walk or stand. Son-in-law says the medics must can give something for the pain as if I went 5 days in India with 3 broken bones in my ankle with only paracetamol I’m clearly not a wimp. I certainly feel like one.

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