Vitamin B13

By BoyDogBravo

Love, Pure Love

This is my sister BB. And, of course, me.

I love her. Just look, you can see the love, feel the love.

Seriously, look at, pure love.

No, we are not French kissing!

I am about to bite her to prove that I care. It is what I must do to prove my love. I do it every chance I get. She pretends to hate it....but I don't think she does cause I do it every day.

Occasionally, she does the same in return. But usually when she catches me sleeping (which rarely ever happens, just ask my dad).

This blip thing is kind of are all pretty cool peoples. I like cool peoples.

My mommy took this with her iPhone. Shortly after she took it, she shoved her phone right in my daddy's green face and said, "So much for your fancy Nikon." Daddy waved his arms at the ground and walked away. He did not look happy. Kinda funny, ha?

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