
If you have ever listened to my radio show then it will probably appeal to your sense of natural justice to discover that I am not paid for doing it. Indeed, it costs me quite a lot, not just in terms of time but also the amount of music I buy to satisfy its never sated appetite for new music. (Not that I am complaining!)

At some point since I started the show - nearly seven years ago! - I came across an artist called James Chapman who performs as Maps. I can't remember what actually led me to him but it may well have been to do with the fact that he was on Mute records. 

I asked him at the time whether he had any plans to play live and, to my disappointment, he did not. So I was delighted to find out that he was touring this year to support his new album 'Colours.Reflect.Time.Loss'. I had already bought tickets for the Southbank Centre when I found out he was playing The Trades in Hebden Bridge, a venue that I love, so I promptly bought two more tickets and the Minx sorted out an AirBnB.

This simple plan was scuppered when the Minx decided to be a steward at this year's Glastonbury, but as the AirBnB had two bedrooms, I was at liberty to invite a friend, so I asked Dom along and, happily, he said yes. 

So, after a swim in the early afternoon, I picked him up and we drove over to Hebden Bridge. On arrival, we dropped off our bags, had a quick mooch about, and then settled into a short but satisfying pub crawl, followed by a delightful al fresco Mediterranean meal. Thus fortified, we proceeded to The Trades. 

The support act was a chap called Mark Peters, whose 'Innerland' album is very good and even better when played live.

And then Maps took to the stage, with James Chapman augmented by a drummer, bassist, keyboard player, and backing vocalist. His new album is a departure from the very electronic nature of his previous albums, featuring orchestras and choirs, but the new material worked brilliantly with this set up, this evening. The drummer was absolutely outstanding and the semi-improvised instrumental sections were just amazing. 

I'm not sure how many dates are left on the tour but if you live in London, I have two tickets for next Wednesday's performance at the Southbank Centre going free to a good home. DM me!

-11.6 kgs
Reading: 'Pauline Boty: Pop Artist And Woman' by Sue Tate

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