'Year Of Wonder'

As I've become older, I'd like to think I've become a little more open-minded about the styles of music I'll listen to, even if there is a fairly strong centre of gravity to my tastes. Away from the electronic and ambient music that I'm mostly drawn to, you might find me listening to The Rustavi Choir, The Wedding Present, or Lou Reed and John Cale. And even after all these years, I think my kids are still bemused by my love of a well-crafted pop song, even one not targeted at my demographic: Lorde, for example. 

Some music remains closed off to me, though. I have never 'got' Bob Dylan, although, in a final attempt to grasp his appeal, I did buy 'The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan' on the basis that even if I didn't enjoy the music - which did prove to be the case - I could still enjoy one of the best album covers ever. 

Reggae has proved similarly impenetrable to me, despite my friend Chris taking the trouble of compiling a CD for me, complete with notes, and I have for as long as I can remember struggled to open the door to classical music. Even being exposed to the music that Dan plays around the house, which did successfully arouse in me an interest in jazz, has failed to do the trick. 

Then I saw a Twitter friend, Graham, posting about a book written by Clemency Burton-Hill, which provides a 'song' a day along with some background about the composer and music. I ordered it on the spot and it arrived today. This, I think, will be the decider (at least for now) regarding whether I can learn to find something to love in classical music. 

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Reading: 'Pauline Boty: Pop Artist And Woman' by Sue Tate

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