Church at Kunoy

Today we went on a trip up to the northern islands. These dramatic islands, way out in the Atlantic ocean, are reached by a series of sub sea tunnels. Because the climate is rather testing of infrastrucure, the Tinganes (parliament) has decided that tunnels are the way to go and more and more are being built as a way of encouraging people to stay on the islands rather migrate to the towns.

The church in this photo is on the tiny island Kunoy; church still plays a major part in the lives of the Faroese and inside the immaculately kept churches there is always a boat hanging from the ceiling marking the journey taken in life.

A lot of the houses still have a traditional grass roof and l have posted a photo of one in extras as well one of a slatted shed - these sheds are used for drying lamb, whale and fish which are a delicacy in this part of the world. A speciality l had last night was a glass of rhubarb cider- disgusting, although l do like rhubarb. Alcohol is eye wateringly expensive

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