
By SweetArt

Out in the town!

Went into town today with Martin to buy 'smaller' tents, of all things!! I'm not thrilled about the fact that we now have smaller tents so the boys can have their own and we can have our own :( Martin says it says the boys from having to put up with his snoring ... I suppose I'm the forebearing one!!!

Anyway, when we were out and about we happened to stumble upon a peaceful demonstration in Causeway Bay, in support of the government! I suppose I'll have more info about that from tomorrow's newspaper.

Also on our way back to the ferry I was delighted to see that the ICC had some rather fun Christmas lights moving across the building, I managed to capture the reindeer moving across. Thought it was rather clever. How do they do this stuff?

The glasses were in a department store we happened to be in. They are hand made crystal carved glass that we both loved and had to get some of. Just brilliant!!! Tomorrow is New Years party at our home! And then no more partying for a LONG time!!!

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