About a month ago I came up with the brilliant idea that all the Christmas presents that I bought for my nephews should have maths questions on them, the deal being that they could only open the present if they could answer the question. They didn't look pleased when I suggested it to them, but I think they knew it would happen anyway as I'm always asking them questions when we're out and about. Well, I say they didn't look pleased, it was that "I officially hate that idea, but secretly I quite like that idea" face that they usually reserve for when I threaten them with kisses.

After my presents complete with questions on fractions, the Olympics and Paralympics, spelling and word games, they thought the other presents they received would come hassle free.

How wrong they were.

My dad then asked them what the Tigers score would be after a series of tries, conversions and penalty kicks. So far so good. Then came the presents my brother. "I'm not going to ask you to answer any questions" he said. Cue two relieved little faces that hastily dropped when he continued to say, "I'm going to ask you to give me ten press ups instead!"

Class, pure class on my brother's part, I didn't see that coming so I'm sure the boys didn't. They did them though, and added a plank for good measure.

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