Foxy Loxy

Back blip.This seems a long time ago especially as the weather has not been so good since but we made the most of it so choosing a blip was hard.
I was up early and outside in The Lookout watching the bluetits bathing in the water bath.
I had noticed that three Cruise ships were due in to Invergorden and I wanted to see the Sea Cloud 2 with it’s masks and sails and the Tall ship was also moored near the harbour.So I woke Mike up and we went to Cromarty.The weather was beautiful and it was warm.I sat by the water while Mike went to the Bakers to get some Bacon rolls for breakfast.The Ferry was going backwards and forwards and the Skiff was out.
No sighting of the Sea Cloud and on the tracker it was still along way out so we decided to leave it.
We went to the slaughter house for a coffee and it was lovely sitting outside watching the world go by.
We were delayed getting up the hill, first, by a lorry cleaning the drains and then a hedgehog going home after a night out.
They have started work on the Cinema so that will be a great addition to the Black Isle.
The sheds have also come down on the harbour , wondering what the plans are for the rest of the wooden structure as it’s so rotten.
We watched a little wooden boat go out and then the Tall ship sailed past.
Back home for a while ,spending most of it outside and then to Newhall Point ,with David, to see the Sea Cloud leave.We were abit early so went for a walk first.We must have been near an Oyster Catcher nest as two adults complained at us.
The ship looked great against the blue Sky and sea.
We had dinner outside and thought the crows were after our meal as they were creating a right old din but then we saw the fox, a rarity for us so that’s way I had to blip him :)

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