Excuse me !

Back blip.Such a lovely day and so many photos to choose from for a blip but it had to be the Roe deer as it leaped across the field between the horses.
I was in the garden, taking a few photo’s of the horses and just about to go in when something spooked the horses.They all stood staring at something and then this deer ran across and then leapt over the fence.
We took some rubbish to the tip and then went for a walk at North Kessock. Lovely calm water with a heron standing on guard.One of the horses came over to say hello, no need for a lawn mower on the side of the fence as you could see where it had nibbled it’s way along, the grass really must be greener on the other side.
Some time spent in the garden when I got back and after dinner we all went for a walk at the Point, it was not ‘dolphin time’ but there were a few seals bobbing about and the light was lovely :)

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