Ben Nevis

A long drive West so the group could experience Scottish midges and go up Ben Nevis. 
An unpromising weather forcast and tired tired kids meant we prepped them hard for the possibility of not getting to the top.

I had a logistics/support crew day and was planning to get jobs done in time to wander up and meet them coming down.

Having squeezed into a spot on the circus that is the visitor centre car park at 2pm in the summer I set off running up the tourist track dodging three peakers, dogs, tourists and playing kit bingo (flip flops, jeans, beer, wheely suitcase, humongous camera all ticked). 
When I me the first group they told me they'd turned around but the other 2 groups had got to the top! Delighted, weather clearing, I kept running - wondering if I could beat them to the halfway lochan. 
Got there just in time to step off the motorway, away from the crowds and enjoy a moment that felt more like why I go to the hills. 
And then back to congratulate and celebrate and hear all the stories from their first ever time up a mountain. It was a slow, joy-filled walk down. 

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