Planko's Pics

By planko

Rumbling Bridge

Rained all day today again, so I had to go travelling to find something to blip and escape the rain.

Decided to head up the A9 on another mystery tour (where i'll end up, what i'll take shot of being the mystery), stopping in at Tiso's on the way as I've been pondering over a new pair of Wellies for a while. Not just any wellies, oh no, "Top of the range" according to the sales guy, "fashionable" according to PP (who is now very jealous), "bloody expensive" according to me! For £150 they should be comfortable (which they most definitely are) and the zip down the side makes them far easier to get on and off compared to my old pair; I now wish i'd splashed out years ago.

Tried them out up at The Rumbling Bridge near Dunkeld. Can't believe the last time I was up there was July; how time flies. Must get back up there soon, especially as its only about 20 minutes from home.

Hard to get a shot today as the Braan was flowing pretty fast and throwing up lots of spray. The bottom right is actually the water dropping down the deep gorge under the bridge.


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