Messina Straights

A lovely couple of days at sea, calm waters, very warm and blowy up on the sun deck...... steady as she goes, on the sunbathing front, just an hour or so at a time. There are some people who seem to live up there and already resemble old mahogany :-0 Each to their own I guess!

It’s surprising how the days just drift by.....ha, I cracked a funny :-) We are trying so hard not to over indulge on the food or drink, but it’s everywhere, hey ho, got to live a little on holiday:-)

Tonight after dinner, just as dusk was turning to dark, we turned into the Messina Straights that separates Sicily, seen here, from Italy opposite, on our Port side. It looks very pretty......tantalising, as our stop here has had to be foregone.

We are scheduled to reach Venice 7.30 on Thursday morning :-)

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