Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Watch your tongue ...

… or you might trip over it.

This Hound of the Baskervilles was waiting in an open top sports car in Guildford High Street whilst the owner popped in to one of the shops. The picture is not misleading. He was enormous and drooling (the dog I mean not the owner; he was slight and unimposing, as is often the case with  men who have large cars and large dogs).

Initially our slathering friend ducked down when I tried to take a picture but then he popped up again. Maybe vanity overcame reticence (I know it always does with me) but I didn’t hang around for the perfect shot as he started getting grumpy and was barking for attention.

Today was all about devil in the detail, which was fine; generally it is deadlines not hard work that stresses me out. I actually quite enjoyed having a “painting the fence” day, it was quite relaxing and productive.  And the sun was shining and it’s the weekend. What’s not to like?

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