
Big days for our boys today as they each took a step into the unknown. In September Isaac will go to a new childminder and Zeke will start school and today they both had their settling in sessions. And unexpectedly it was a big day for Eve too as she was trying out her new teacher for the day.

Antony took charge of all drop offs and hand overs and transfers between school and preschool like the hero he is. And I sat nervously checking my phone! To be fair, the slight tension actually forced me into productivity as contract reviews were fairly distracting. The upshot is that Isaac loved his day, Zeke was uncertain but went with it and Antony was in need of a sit down in a darkened room, bless him. But being Ant, he opted or a few hours on his bike in the peaks instead.

While Eve was at brownies I got the absolute joy of a play in the secret park, Zeke’s fashion sense and giggles galore from the babe.


1. The possibility of even more flexibility at work than I expected - I might be able to drop a few hours;
2. Cuddles and fun with the boys as I made it home a bit earlier;
3. Meeting a friend later on and hearing really good news.

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