A bird in the tree is worth a blip.

Got to the gym earlier than usual, and as Des had had a late night, he didn't show until much later. When he eventually arrived, I said Elvis has just entered the building, only to find out he had actually dressed up as Elvis last night for his daughters birthday party ( you couldn't make it up) Vic was already there, and last week I gave him a leaflet advertising Young at Heart, which is held on a Friday afternoon, in the football club not far away from my house. As you know he is lonely and hoping to meet a nice lady for companionship. I asked him how it went, and he said that they were all older than him ( he is 76) and during the talk, most of them were sleeping. He is going to give it another try this week, but it's not looking too promising. Oh well, I did try:-) I walked home, although there was nothing worth blipping, but luckily, when  I was putting the washing out on the line this  afternoon,  a flock of starlings flew into the neighbour's tree, so that will have to do for today.

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