The odd curiosity shot

By Flipscokid

Made it

So here we are - I made it! I have to admit, the last three months have been a real struggle. I almost packed it in but couldn't quite bring myself to stop, despite the fact my photos were, at times, total tripe.

I'm sure I've thanked him before, but I better give RunningBackwards another mention as he did get me hooked. Thanks Graffy boy.

I find the concept of having 'friends' on here a bit odd; apart from four or five people, I know none of you personally but would really miss reading your journals if I were to give it up. So...sod it, I shall renew my subscription and try to rediscover my mojo in the New Year.

Thanks so much to all of you for your continued lovely comments - this place really is full of fine folk. I've not come across anyone even remotely disagreeable.

Here are some of the most memorable ones this year:
Most popular
Most fun
Most dangerous!
Most random

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