Kitten, jellyfish, bee, neighbours??!!
Today has been quite exciting for a little 7 month old pup like me.
This morning we walked down the 'secret path' and onto the coastal path and guess what we found?.................. a cute little kitten. I haven't really had much experience of cats yet and I thought it might want to make friends with me. …........It didn't! It arched its back and hissed at me and then it ran away. ….........And I hadn't even attempted to chase it. Ann asked a passing couple if it was theirs as we were a long way from any houses. It wasn't! Very, very, very, long story short................ It was wearing a collar with an ID disc on, so after enticing it to her with MY TREATS, Ann managed to capture it and return it to it's owner. The 'passing couple' walked me on my lead back to civilisation while Ann carried the kitten. Ann couldn't cope with a bouncy puppy, a scared little kitten, and making phone calls all at the one time. Anyway it turned out that the 'cute little kitten', wasn't actually a kitten. It was 15 months old and apparently it's always taking itself off on little jolly's?!! Oh well, ho hum.................. Ann thought she was doing her good turn for the day. If I were wandering around by myself, where we found it, she would hope that someone would phone her and help me get home. #Wewontbotherifweseeitagain
This afternoon we went to Hayle so that I could play with my ball on the beach. I was just getting out of the car when I met Ozzy, my sugar daddy, the very gorgeous Golden Retriever, with a couple of his human friends. Raced down to the beach and look what we found......................... a giant jellyfish! It was HUGE! I wanted to get a closer look at it but Ann wouldn't let me. ….........So I just had to pose next to it and then off I went to play with my ball. Oh and if anyone is interested............... the life guard was on his quad bike on the beach and do you know what?................... I didn't even attempt to chase him. 'MollyCollie' always used to chase the life guards on their quads! #Iamsuchaperfectpooch
Came home and was having a lovely snooze when I heard a buzzing bee, buzzing around. I get very focused on insects/bees/wasps etc so I've been trying to catch it. Unfortunately Ann found it first and shoo-ed it outside. And while she was shoo-ing it outside she met the very lovely young couple who are renting the house next door. …...................An hour later …..................and a glass of Prosecco later yes only one!…..................her very lovely young neighbour is going to pressure washer our sun sun terrace for us. …..........And Ann is going to let them have our hanging egg chair for a couple of months while we're away. #Result
Oh and I'm lying flaked out now because today has been very tiring so I'm having to dictate this Blip telepathically.
Happy Sunday Evening peeps. xxxx
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