
Mr C went on the group walk which was at the coast. I read my book.

We went to the walk supper at Katy’s, (above), and what a drama. There were nuts in the salad and Anne ate it, but she’s allergic and went into anaphylactic shock. She had not brought her epi pen. Ailie drove her husband home to get it, someone phoned the medics and Colin ran up the road to get a neighbour’s epi pen. All this happened while I was in the garden with Chris so we were unaware till the medics arrived. They were so fast, and as the epi pen had been administered, she was coming round when they got there. She and her husband went in the ambulance to hospital and Ailie will go to pick them up when she’s got the all clear. Phew! Poor Katy is distraught as we all know about the allergy but she forgot.

The black humour came into place when we knew she was ok, and someone remarked that if Katy hadn’t got her with the salad her marzipan pudding would have got her.

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