Sycamore Gap

First thing this morning our lunch date suggested a swap so that we could take advantage of the sunshine and to lunch tomorrow, which was perfect for our walk to Sycamore Gap.

Parking in the Steel Rigg carpark we followed the well-worn track which runs along Hadrian's Wall, up steep steps and down, over the undulating landscape, bordered by a profusion of blossom including wild thyme and yellow rock-rose.
Despite there being other walkers on the route we had the tree to ourselves for a few minutes, to take our photos from different vantage points, although the light was disappointingly dull. We continued up the next incline and took our rest overlooking Crag Lough, with its pair of swans and cygnet.

For the return we took the lower, easier, path and were rewarded with a good view of a skylark sitting on a rock and more painted lady butterflies. The Corbridge Coffee van was most welcome as we reached the car and were able to cool off.

But, after all that, we discovered that, with a reasonable zoom, it is possible to obtain photos from the road. Look carefully at the extra - those are my hands! I was there.

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