Happy Daze

By Dazed

Portrait Gallery

Had a lovely, relaxing day as planned. I cooked Mr D breakfast before he went to work and then I walked up into town and went to the National Portrait Gallery where I saw the Homecoming exhibition and also this window. I then went to the galleries on the Mound and saw some Raphael, some Botticelli (I'm fairly certain that there's not a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle called Botticelli, but I got the theme tune in my head just then anyway) and a 25 Years of Photography exhibition. This was small but interesting - they have so many photographs in the archives that they are dedicating part of the portrait gallery to photography once it's been refurbished.

I then bought some books and sauntered home to make french onion soup. It was only slightly marred by slipping in the rain and falling on my backside in a puddle on the way home. Otherwise totally relaxing.

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