Happy Daze

By Dazed

I made this!

And it took me near enough THREE HOURS. That Rachel Allen is a devil woman.

It's spinach, potato and goats cheese pie - and I know that my shadow is looming over it and I know this is a rubbish photo and write up but quite frankly there's pots and pans and bits of pastry and wilted spinach all over the kitchen and I would quite like to clean up so that I can have a piece before midnight :)

Ok - By popular demand!

Make your pastry (whizz together 200g plain flour, a pinch of salt, 100g cubed butter and about two-thirds of a beaten large egg) and flatten it til it's about 2 inches thick, wrap it in clingfilm and put it in the fridge for 30 mins. Then put it in between two sheets of clingfilm, roll it out and line your tin. Line the pastry with baking paper and fill with baking beans then cook for about 20 mins. Then you can patch up any holes with raw pastry (and give it a bit of a brush with raw beaten egg if you like) and stick it back in for another couple of minutes. Then remove the paper/beans.

For the filling cook seven (yes, seven!) baby new potatoes and when just cooked slice into pieces about a quarter of an inch thick.

Wash 250g baby or young spinach, remove any large stalks and then spin it. Let it wilt over a low heat in just the little water that's clinging to it. Give it a squeeze to remove excess water.

Then beat four large eggs and add 250ml double cream, a decent amount of salt and pepper, a teaspoon of freshly grated nutmeg, a pinch of cayenne pepper, the zest of half a lemon and 25g freshly grated parmesan. Or lots more if you're a cheese freak like me. Add the spinach (roughly chopped) to this.

Spread the potato slices over the bottom of the tart and dot splodges (very scientific) of 150g of goats cheese over this. I think it's supposed to be slices but I found that impossible so used splodges. Then pour in the eggy/creamy/spinach mixture and put any leftover tatties and cheese on the top.

Bake at 180C for 35-40 minutes and then let it rest for ten minutes. Yum.

This recipe is from Rachel Allan's excellent book 'Bake' and wouldn't have taken me so long if I'd read the pastry instructions correctly :)

Happy eating! Let me know if any of you make it.

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