Learning day by day

By EmmaF


No lie in for us. Carys was sleeping in a room that has a street light right outside, consequently when she stirred at 05.30 she was never going back to sleep. W woke at 06.45 so we all got up.

By 9am we had had breakfast, showered and dressed and were on the way to the beach in the pouring rain. We caught the Parkrun on the links before we went to look for 'creatures' in the rock pools. Then we met Vive la vie and her lovely family for an all too brief 20mins or so. We tried to catch up whilst the kids found the deepest and dirtiest puddles to jump in. Was lovely to see them but unfortunately by 10am we had to leave them as we had to be at Toby's Baptism in Gateshead by 11.30 and we were still in our waterproofs!

Another swift change and eveything thrown in the car, we arrived with plenty of time to spare for the baptism. Toby was lovely and didn't cry, I didnt take photo's during the service as we were asked not to and when we were given the chance at the font there were so many people and then after the service my camera was hijacked by C and W.

It was a lovely opportunity to catch up with a few people I hadn't seen in a while. Although to be fair I didn't catch up half as much as I would have liked as making sure that C had food and drink (Jim was dealing with W) and then being referee for a game of 'tap balloon' between William, Carys and Jacob.

The kids were quite hyper and so the opportunity to get a photo of them all passed by. I honestly don't think we would have got them all to co-operate at the same time.

When the time came to leave the church hall we declined the offer of heading on to the pub. Both our kids were racing around the empty hall and I don't think it would have been fair to ask them to go to the pub. When we were in the car we gave them the choices of Saltwell Park, a soft play or seeing Ellie. The decision was instant and unanimous.

So the kids had some playtime and then some food and we got them into Pj's and headed home about 6.15pm. Clear roads made for a swift journey home. Initially at home they both lifted from the car to bed. But then W got up thinking it was the morning. We hadn't got the baby monitor back working yet so didn't hear him until the very distressed cry of "Mummy, where are you?" followed by sobbing occured! He joined Daddy to watch match of the day and decided that one day he would play in "that game" but he would be wearing pink! Do any professional football teams wear pink?

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